@TODO - warning, old content, page needs update.
List of open source projects that I maintain.
CAPTCHA After Drupal module brings solution to the problem of evaluating security challenges (commonly known as CAPTCHAs) without decreasing the usability of your site. It allows human visitors to fill the web form with input data without solving the CAPTCHA challenge. If however malicious software (or user) is to be suspected because the total number of submitted forms (correct or wrong submits), the CAPTCHA will be activated.
GMap3 Tools
GMap3 Tools is a collection of developer tools for quick Google map creation from Drupal code. Uses Google map API version 3.
Quick Forms
Quick Forms or Qforms Drupal module enables users of your Drupal site to create custom forms like surveys, questionnaires, contact/request/register forms... Qforms includes simple reporting tools and is also capable of exporting submitted data to a csv file for detailed statistical calculations. Qforms module is similar to webform module but it is much lighter then webform and is much simpler for using. The main idea behind qforms module is to keep it simple for the end user.
Menu Tag
The Menu Tag Drupal module allows you to control the display of menu items through a settable tag of a single menu item. Then, for every block that displays a menu, you can select a tag that filters what menu items should be displayed. For instance, you can use this method to control the visibility of menu items in blocks that display Main and Secondary menu on some specific page.
This module provides a simple interface for setting up multivariate or A/B style studies that can be performed on a live sites to test the effectiveness of various interfaces. Deep integration into Drupal allow AB/Multivariate tests to take direct controle of Drupal settings and can manipulate processes. They can be much more powerful than external solutions.